Wings (1927)


Genre: War/ Romance

Time: 2h 24mins

Directors:  William A. Wellman, Harry d'Abbadie d'Arrast

Quick Summary: Two young men, one rich, and one middle class, who are in love with the same woman, become fighter pilots in World War I.

This is something I did not think I was going to like. I ended up really enjoying it.

It's a solid and moving anti-war statement that shows us the brutality and stupidity of war, its waste of youth, and its power to destroy the lives of all involved.

The camera work is honestly perfect. The aerial battles are breathtaking as are the scenes where they blow up the German blimps. I found them so impressive and fun to watch. 

There's also one astounding scene at the beginning of the film where two people are in a swing. The camera is mounted in a stationary position in front of the actors so we see the scene as though we are in the swing with them. Then suddenly in the background, we see another character pulling up in his car. The swing stops while we see the close-up of the guy as he twists in the swing seat and turns to watch them the other being pulled out of the swing (in good fun). It's an amazing scene and all one shot.

The problem sadly with this film is it is padded out with so many scenes that talk about nothing, or nothing really goes on. It slows down the entire film. As well it is also riddled with unlikely coincidences, implausible developments, strange decisions by the characters, and many other plotholes. 

I will admit some of the drama felt a bit forced too. There's a constant one-sided competition for one woman between two guys and while it seems that they end up leaving that behind early on, it comes back much later on, all whilst there is another girl who is trying to get the attention of one of the guys. It became boring and predictable after a few times.

This is still a good watch though, especially for the aerial shots and how brave the anti-war statement is. 


" Can't you understand? Your leave - cancelled! You've got to go back! War!"
