Poison Ivy (1992)
Genre: Drama
Time: 1h 30 mins
Director: Katt Shea
Quick Summary: A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.
This is basically two teenagers constantly saying "I'm more fucked up that you."
To be fair I didn't mind Drew barrymore's performance, it was bareable and honestly I kept watching for her. Though she didn't really need to act in this, as they really pushed for her to behave seductively and reckless. Though for me with what happens in this film it comes across and sleezy and just directed towards horny people.
How this film thrives is through being "morbid" and "strange" like a lot of young teenagers try to be. The two young girls constantly try to out do each other with how "different" they are to other people to seem cool and edgy. Honestly it made me cringe a lot, as I knew a lot of people like it back when I was a teenager.
I feel like it had some interesting themes such as how father issues can actually affect young people and how others can take advantage of it, various types of people struggling with different issues such as depression or waiting for an illness to finally take over. Sadly a lot of other parts of this film overshadow it.
The script is awful and lacks a lot of substance, probably to help the teenagers appear "Mysterious". The pacing is so slow and nothing happens for a while. Visually it was really boring too, not being creative with any shots unless they're close ups of drew barrymore and her body. Admitedly it was kind of boring, though I was probably not the target audience for this. It just reminds me of people who make being sad/edgy their personality.
"Ivy: Everybody hates me.
Sylvie Cooper: Oh well everybody hates me too."
"I know it's stupid to be jealous about a dog.It's probably because I have low self-esteem."
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