Ghost World (2001)


Genre: Comedy/Drama

Time: 1h 51mins

Director: Terry Zwigoff

Quick Summary: With only the plan of moving in together after high school, two unusually devious friends seek direction in life. As a mere gag, they respond to a man's newspaper ad for a date, only to find it will greatly complicate their lives.

I don't think many people will enjoy this as much as I did. The characters are pretty strange and unusual, but that is where this film thrives. 

Technically, this is a comedy movie, but the humor is so deadpan that most people will not find it all that funny, especially with the jokes being said. It's bizarre commentary or one liners that seem out of place, I honestly found them pretty funny. It uses satire and really dry humour to express the pain of life.

There are a lot of good themes laced throughout this but it is mainly about growing up. It manages to capture the awkward transition from adolescence to adulthood and how alienating it can be to be an outcast. Or not to fit in with most of the community. 

Something I liked is that it is pretty cynical with how it approaches more the more negative subjects, such as doomed relationships, or having to move on. It can be seen as a bit distasteful in places, or downright strange too but it shows the reality of life. I can also see how a lot of these characters can be unlikable, as they are mean and sharp with their words towards normal people. 

I was personally unsure about the age difference between two characters who had formed a friendship that slowly turned to romantic relationship. They did connect through a lot of things and worked well as friends in my eyes, even if it was a bit strange. It was sweet they wanted to help each other and enjoyed each other's company. Although once it turned romantic it felt a bit odd and uncomfortable to me.

It's a weird movie but not for most people. I liked it as its a good social commentary about not fitting in and alienation to the general population. 


"Enid: [about Seymour's garage sale] It was so cute how he had his own little bags. I thought I was going to start crying.

Rebecca: Yeah, he should totally just kill himself"

"Rebecca: Oh, face it, you just hate every single guy on the face of the earth.

Enid: That's not true. I just hate all these extroverted, obnoxious, pseudo-bohemian losers."

"Enid: Oh my god. It's him! He's insane.

Rebecca: We should follow him home."
