The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses (2005)
Genre: Family/ Adventure
Time: 1h 21mins
Director: Charles Grosvenor
Quick Summary: Littlefoot and his friends return in another adventure. But this time, they aren't the smallest dinosaurs in the valley...anymore.
Yet again Cera's dad is racist, what a surprise. Is this supposed to be a charming trait that he hates all dinosaurs but his own? This guy even tries to kill a new race because he didn't like them
There are a lot of things that happen in this and Honestly, I stopped paying full attention after the last film. My brain couldn't handle it anymore. But suddenly there were tiny dinosaurs. Like actually tiny dinosaurs. Who ends up taking the blame for something Littlefoot ended up doing, which funnily enough he never gets told off for? It's treated as a sort of good thing he did, even though he ruined food that was stored up for a special occasion for the full herd and lied about it. Sure, teach kids it's okay to lie if they think they can get away with it.
Anyway, these tiny dinosaurs appear out of nowhere and are never explained. At all. They're just there? One of them had a super deep voice which made me jump the first time he opened his mouth. They did sing a song, but it's the only one I very vaguely remember from this film.
There is something in this film that shocked me. I never saw it coming. I doubted my moral compass. I actually felt bad for Cera. She's not a bratty, snotty bossy little shit; she's honestly really relatable and has some big character development. Shocking, I know! Essentially she feels a lot of emotional turmoil over her father getting a new Girlfriend, and her potentially having a new mum. It is something a good handful of kids experience and can connect to the film because of it. Admittedly it does a really good job of talking through that whole plot line and helping kids potentially process it all.
That aside, this felt long. It's one of the longest of these sequels, and I could tell. A lot of scenes were in this that really didn't need to be, dragging it out by around 20 minutes more than it should be. If it had stayed with just Cera's storyline of her acceptance of a new mum, I would have praised it more, but everything to do with the tiny dinosaurs and Littlefoot lying just ruined it.
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