The Bad Shepherd (2024)


Genre: Thriller

Time: 1h 30mins

Director: Geo Santini

Quick Summary: A group of friends on a hunting trip accidentally run over a woman carrying a bag of money. Their loyalty is put to the test when a strange man comes knocking.

Nothing film. Stupid nothing. I knew I was going to hate it 10 minutes into it. Why do I hate myself?

I really don't have much to say as I barely watched this it bored me so much. To sum it up, look at how a group of friends turn on each other when money is involved. We all have secrets. Bleh.

There's a twist in this that was honestly so stupid. The acting is straight-up awful, and of course, the director had to be the main character too. You could tell none of them could act too as they would all act all cool and serious and edgy wielding these guns when in reality they just looked like 😐

Also, there would be these moments when I could tell the sound recording wasn't the greatest as when some of them would be shouting it would peak the mic a little bit and would sound funny.

 This was an insult to my brain.

