Free Time (2024)
Genre: Comedy Time: 1h 20mins Director: Ryan Martin Brown Quick Summary: Approaching the end of his twenties and his relative youth, a man decides to quit his cushy desk job and embrace life, only to realize he has no idea what to do with this newfound freedom. This was actually so painful to watch. In fact, it reminded me of those cringe Millenial TikTok humour videos. They're so unfunny it hurts me. Imagine those put into a film. I found the occasional moment funny, and by funny I mean a little chuckle came out of me. Am I supposed to find two people walking around in silence funny? Sure, when it's done right. I think the main fault is the main guy. He was such a loser, and honestly an asshole. I found it so hard to sympathise with this guy because he was trying so hard to be seen, like a little child. Either moping around, ringing literally everyone he knows because he's bored, or playing over the top his entire band and then throwing an adult tantrum expecting pe...