The Marsh King's Daughter (2023)


Genre: Thriller

Time: 1h 48mins

Director:  Neil Burger

Quick Summary: (Highlight to show spoiler)  A woman seeks revenge against the man who kidnapped her mother   

You know what, That wasn't awful 

This isn't really my type of film I'll be honest as I usually find them pretty boring but this kept my interest for a good portion of it. At the start of this film, I wondered if I was going to be suffering or not as it was pretty slow and I wasn't really sure where this film was going. Then it pulls out a twist out of nowhere which was pretty good actually, it was shocking and really did a 180 on the story. 

The problem I have with this twist, is we never actually get any backstory on it which I guess is so we're in the shoes of the main character, but it leaves a lot of story missing and we don't actually get to understand how horrible the situation previously was. It was a thing and then it was gone. Even during the brief moment of it, it seemed like a good situation so we didn't even get to see how bad it was then. 

Actually thinking about this film, nothing really happens right until the end. You just watch this woman freak out for most of it, or talk to people. So it can be pretty boring to those who need action. There wasn't really any mystery, you could see what was going to happen miles off, but for some reason, I was still interested in this. Maybe I just wanted to see how vengeance was going to be given. Added to this, a lot of characters were pretty uninteresting and didn't really add much to the film.

One odd thing about this film is the strange yellow filter it had over everything. I didn't really like it. Sure it made the greens look SUPER green, but everything looked a little odd. 

This film is okay. It is watchable, but don't expect anything groundbreaking or new. 

