12 Monkeys (1995)
Genre: Sci-fi/ Thriller
Time: 2h 9mins
Director: Terry Gilliam
Quick Summary: In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet.
My poor monkey brain hurt after this paradox.
I'll be very honest. I was confused for 1 hour 45 minutes of this film. Even though I was fully paying attention to what was going on, I felt like I was always missing a piece of information. And you know what? It's a brilliant way to keep you watching.
Bruce Willis, I do really find hit or miss. I think I prefer him when he's doing strange films. He was really entertaining in this, battling his own mind and trying to figure out if he's actually insane and living in a fantasy world or not and he's actually a time traveller. Even I wasn't sure for a good portion of the film. It constantly gives you evidence for either side so you're guessing right until the end. He goes from nutcase, to genius and back to nutty, which is pretty tough to pull off consistently. Brad Pitt, I enjoyed it a lot too, taking insane to a new level as he jumps around frantically spewing monologues about doom and destruction as he runs around with his bare ass on show.
.Visually this is really interesting too, bleak and chaotic, with crumbling buildings, desolate landscapes, and a sense of decay for "the future" and "the past" are warmer and more vibrant with life. Though it throws in a couple of almost dreamlike scenes the mental hospital portion of the film feels very disorientating and manages to blur the lines between the two "times". Something that I did like but found funny more than anything was the extreme close-ups with strange angles. Usually, there's so much going on in a scene with lots of people and then boom, close up looking up his nose.
I think I enjoyed this, but I also think I need to watch this again to fully absorb everything. I'm sure there are lots of bits I missed. If you have poor concentration you might not enjoy this as you'll be very very lost, and for those who do have good concentration, I'm sure your brain will hurt trying to figure out this.
"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Dr. Kathryn Railly: What is the matter with your leg?
James Cole: Got shot.
Dr. Kathryn Railly: Shot! Who shot you?
James Cole: I don't know. It was some kind of war. Never mind. You wouldn't believe me anyway."
"James Cole: Philadelphia.
Dr. Kathryn Railly: That's more than a hundred miles! We can't...
James Cole: That's why I can't walk there."
I think this is a film you do need to watch a couple times to pick up everything but it's very enjoyable non the less, Brad Pitt was probably my favourite part of this film pretty sure he was just gearing up to be Tyler Durden prior to fight club