Event Horizon (1997)

 Genre: Horror/ Sci-fi

Time: 1h 36mins

Director: Paul W. S. Anderson

Quick Summary: A rescue crew is tasked with investigating the mysterious reappearance of a spaceship that had been lost for seven years.

"Welcome to Hell Motherfucker"-The ship (Made up by me)

You know what makes me sad, they were worried that this film wouldn't do good so they toned down how brutal this would be, and I wished they didn't. I loved how just straight-up violent this was, and it was terrifying. The special effects with the more gory moments were so well done, I want to see how brutal this could have been because it would have added so much to this with how horrifying the situation was. Maybe it was ahead of its time and people weren't ready for it. Though I can imagine for people who just want to watch a Sci-Fi film, the gore would have been way too much for them even once toned down.

Beyond the gore, this has a dark and claustrophobic ambience that enhances the overall sense of dread. I know I definitely wouldn't want to be there. This ship seems actually terrifying just from the inside. It's this really unique blend of Gothic gritty horror and space-age technology. Everything is pretty much in the dark, or dimly lit, with flickering lights. Don't even get me started on the room with the main focus which is pretty much one large death chamber with spikes all along the walls.

I'll be honest, I don't really remember most of the characters besides two of them. They're all pretty underdeveloped sadly, since the film is more about the atmosphere and the events that happen on the ship, I guess there wasn't really any room for that. Then, I didn't really care when certain characters died, or I was lost on who was who at points. So then, Certain plot points became a little confusing at times, which made it hard to follow the story. 

Then, going onto the actual story it didn't help that was also very disjointed and confusing. I found that certain things weren't explained properly, which I understand is to keep the mystery of everything going, but my poor little monkey brain was struggling. I think with the character development they could have given more backstory, which would have probably helped.

Don't get me wrong, this is still a good film, but you really have to think and put together the pieces yourself. Unfortunately, you have to imagine the pieces at times. I do love how brutal this is, and overall the story is good. For people who love space horror films, this is a must-watch. Hopefully, we get a director's cut at some point to get all the missing bits.


"Miller: Smitty have you seen... anything unusual at all?

Smith: No, I haven't seen anything and I don't need to see anything sir but I can tell you... this ship is fucked.

Dr. Weir: Well, thank you for that scientific analysis, Mr Smith."

"Miller: Have you ever seen fire in zero gravity?

Miller: It's beautiful. It's like liquid it... slides all over everything. Comes up in waves. And they just kept hitting him, wave after wave. He was screaming for me to save him."

"Cooper: Starck? Would you like something hot and black inside you?

[Starck gives him the finger]

Cooper: Oooh! Is that an offer?"


  1. In hell nobody can hear you scream in space.


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