Leave The World Behind (2023)


Genre: Horror/ Drama

Time: 2h 20mins

Director: Sam Esmail

Quick Summary: A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices, and two strangers appear at their door.

Mr Obama Sir, are you trying to tell us something?

I don't know how I feel about this film. It is difficult to explain really what it is. It starts off really well, with the setup but the more this film goes on, the more confusing it gets. Maybe some parts of the story were missing, or got cut? Who knows but I know I certainly needed more information. And then, as soon as we start to get some information finally that clicks together, it ends. It's like some sort of joke that we don't get to see what happens. Don't get me wrong, I find it funny how it ends because it literally follows "Leave the world behind", but it doesn't make it less annoying. 

It is very interesting to watch everything unfold, and there are many ways you could take this film. Such as the start of WW3 or the crash of the internet/the digital era. It shows us how reliable we are on everything digital, and what happens if we suddenly lose it. Most of us become useless. But it also shows the scary side of things where technology is used against us, such as frequency bombs that can cause internal damage and self-driving cars being used as weapons. 

I'm personally not too sure about the characters as they were all insufferable in their own ways and I groaned when any of them interacted. Sure, I get you're all paranoid and scared of each other, but you don't need to be throwing sass about and being pissy towards each other. That's going to ease things, right? Honestly, the daughter of the house owner was just making things worse it drove me insane. Like oh, you want to trust me? I'll just be a bitch for fun, lol. 

Now for something I really liked about this. The camera work? It was so smooth and followed everything like liquid. They were so fascinating to watch as you followed a character as the camera zooms up, through the wall, and pans down to follow said character from behind and upside down. Or during a cheery conversation that turns very serious, the camera starts panning around the two characters in a circle. The placements too, they make everything so much more unique and just so much more interesting to watch. 

This has lots of promise and it starts off being very interesting, but I don't think it was very well thought out. Maybe give this a go out of curiosity, but don't expect anything satisfying.



  1. It was almost a good film about a digital apocalypse and I felt more confused as it went on and on and on, also what where those tattoo's seriously.


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