Color Out Of Space (2019)


Genre: Horror/ Sci-fi

Time: 1h 51mins

Director: Richard Stanley

Quick Summary: A secluded farm is struck by a strange meteorite which has apocalyptic consequences for the family living there and possibly the world.

I now have PTSD over a single colour.

Nicolas Cage, my man. Can you do anything wrong? Honestly, he was brilliant in this and absolutely hilarious as he lost his mind. Any time he was on screen was just pure enjoyment, even if he was absolutely bonkers. I loved watching him slowly get more and more insane over time and just go on rambles about his family. Aside from him, the rest of the cast is pretty good admittedly. They all had their parts and they all worked. I mean, once you're in a film with Nicolas Cage you know you're going to be overshone. 

The special effects in this are brilliant and I can actually say they're up to the same standard of The Thing (1982). Honestly, a lot of them are very gross and super twisted in one case. As a fan of cosmic horror, this does this extremely well and in a very simple way too through the use of one vibrant colour, which is actually beyond the human spectrum of colour to the point where we can't comprehend it. As the area is slowly infected by this extraterrestrial phenomenon things begin to mutate, which a lot of it is very pretty and visually wonderful to look at. Unless it's flesh.

I did really like how confusing this was and I actually had no idea what was going on at times. That's the point. You're with the characters experiencing this bizarre and horrible situation. It's supposed to be confusing as it shows how fragile the human psyche can be when confronted with something incomprehensible. It goes from building up the tension to throwing you into absolute chaos. The longer the film goes on too, the more things happen and the more intense they are. 

I do have a personal gripe with the script as a lot of the time, the things they were saying even before events started to unfold, were very dumb or seemed very odd. Maybe there wasn't enough emotion in it and seemed too blunt with what was being said. It was like these people had never had a conversation between them. But on the flip side, It was actually super funny most of the time so that was a bonus.

Aside from that, this is a brilliant horror film that is a refreshing new blend of cosmic horror (that doesn't use aliens). I really do recommend this if you're a fan of this stuff, or if you like alpacas. 


"Ward: [about Ezra's cat] What's her name?

Benny: G-spot.

Ward: [puzzled] What?

Benny: [funny] What? Come on. That's like the coolest name ever. A pussy named G-Spot? It's totally hilarious."

"Lavinia: What're you gonna do?

Nathan: Handle it.

Lavinia: Like you handled the alpacas?"

"Nathan Gardner: You are even more beautiful to me now than ever.

Theresa: It's because you took your glasses off."


  1. Color exists brain go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! big time.


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