Priscilla (2023)
Genre: Romance/ Drama Time: 1h 50mins Director: Sofia Coppola Quick Summary: When teenage Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley, the man who is already a meteoric rock-and-roll superstar becomes someone entirely unexpected in private moments: a thrilling crush, an ally in loneliness, a vulnerable best friend. Well, that was rather dull. I'll be honest, I didn't think this was going to be the most exciting film. Don't get me wrong, It was interesting to see how awful Elvis actually was without him being idolised. It's sad to watch it too, as we learn that Priscilla was groomed from a young age to be exactly how he wanted her to be, how he liked things such as dying her hair, telling her what to dress, not allowing her to work so that she can always be at his beck and call. She became a possession to him, one that he picked up and threw away constantly. That said, I don't think that was enough to keep this film interesting as a lot of it is super slow and hone...