Weak Layers (2023)


Genre: Comedy

Time: 1h 39mins

Director: Katie Burrell

Quick Summary: Three party-loving best friends set out to win a ski-movie competition. An uproarious comedy that takes on the male-dominated ski industry.

Girl, your friends suck

Actually, I think everyone sucked in this. I don't think I found one character that was likeable while watching. Geuniley nobody really had a single likeable trait, they were all unreliable, drunks, selfish people who barely cared about anything. Which really I think made this hard to watch as I gave no sympathy for the things that were happening to them or the things that they messed up on. The two main friends didn't even do anything and still rocked up at the end to try and support. The main character I even found myself cringing a lot at.

It tries so hard to be funny too. It works every so often because of the humour of the situation or how Cleo reacts to things with humour based on the situation or comments with funny remarks about things. She was really the only thing keeping this funny for me as everything/ everyone was so flat and dull. Sometimes the humour would be, haha look. This character is drunk again and is being silly. Hilarious.

That said, I did somewhat enjoy this. I was entertained, but mostly I think I just wanted to see how it played out by the end. This plays it safe and doesn't really push any boundaries so it becomes "okay". Even the romance side of this was okay, I personally didn't see the chemistry between the two characters but it was passable because there wasn't really anything to complain about. 

For a film about skiing though it had plenty of it! I am so glad a good portion of the film was dedicated to that and it was so well shot as well. Lots of techniques like slow motion, motion capture, funky angles like people doing jumps over the camera, flips and other things. 

But I don't think that could save this from being kind of dull sadly. It's certainly watchable. Perfect for something easy to watch but nothing special. If they had ramped up the humour a bit more, or even adjusted the characters slightly this could have been better. 


"Hey, seriously. If you bomb, it's totally cool, because nobody knows who you are. Good luck."
