Fantastic Four (2015)


Genre: Action/ Superhero

Time: 1h 40mins

Director: Josh Trank

Quick Summary: Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.

It bothers me more than it should that Rock Ben doesn't have pants.

They gave him asscheeks too.

Anyway, this film sucked. Straight up it was awful. Everything was so bland and dull, and boring. I almost fell asleep a couple of times. This lost everything brilliant about the previous ones. No more is the comic book feel. What we get is this very dark and plain colour pallet and outfits (minus Ben). 

For about one hour and 20 minutes, this is completely set up. I'm not kidding. Nothing actually really happens to do with their powers until almost the hour mark. They make what powers they were going to get extremely obvious too. Ben gets trapped in his pod with rocks, Johnny fire, and Reed struggles to keep his door closed. 

At least their powers look cool this time round. I can actually say they look somewhat realistic thanks to the improvements of CGI. As well, Victor Von Doom has a massive improvement and guess what, I can tell what his powers are! They are terrifying. He goes round blowing people's heads up and just causing absolute chaos. It's such a massive shame we barely see him as this because it took so damn long to get to their powers.

Everyone is insufferable. Their characters are actually horrible and there is barely anything to like about them. All the humour is gone. I think they were trying to create this really serious atmosphere to appeal to the more "edgy" generation who found superheroes nerdy and uncool. 

Don't watch this. Such a waste of time and you will feel like you wasted your time too. I can't even praise the action in this because there's only one main fight and that's right at the end. I was ready for it to end way before that and had no interest in what was going on.



  1. NotSofantastic SquatchJuly 21, 2024 at 1:42 PM

    the fantastic bore

    1. Oh the Thing! I remember now, he's the less interesting Korg.


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