Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1997)


Genre: Comedy/ Adventure

Time: 1h 35mins

Director: Jay Roach

Quick Summary: Dr. Evil is back and has invented a new time machine that allows him to go back to the 1960s and steal Austin Powers' mojo, inadvertently leaving him "shagless".

They did the impossible and improved on gold.

I'm not lying when I say they made it funnier and I didn't actually realise until I watched this that I quote about 80% of this. The script is brilliantly refined to be a banger of a joke after a joke. 

The humour is pretty much recycled from the first one but it works, though I did notice that the sexual humour had been toned down surprisingly. But don't let that stir you away because it is still over-the-top, outrageous, witty, gross (looking at you Nutty coffee joke), and absolutely more hilarious. But the best addition we were given from this was Mini-Me, now one of the equally most iconic characters to exist. An absolute feral gremlin who I loved simply watching him being thrown around into things screaming. Obviously, he was there for the slapstick side of things, but who doesn't love watching a small creature being kicked about.

The best scene to come out of this is most definitely the opening as we watch a naked Austin powers walk around as various objects cover his genitals, some looking very much like a penis, making some really funny visual jokes like some walnuts being cracked, or a bit sausage being bitten into.

Admittedly I prefer Dr. Evil in this one purely because he has a lot more humour to him instead of accidentally making jokes. Sarcasm, acting like a small child and just being a dick sometimes are used to bring more to his character. 

Aside from Mini-me, there are a couple of new characters too:

Heather Graham who is not as strong as Hurley was as Austin's love interest but she is wonderful comedic support for jokes, like the tent scene where it looks like she's pulling things out of Austin's butt or being equally as sexually minded as Austin. 

Fat Bastard, also played by Mike Myers is an addition I used to hate when I was younger because of how gross he looked and was, but as an adult, I find him hilarious. The guy is absolutely disgusting but his lines are brilliant, and anytime he was around Mini-Me chanting about eating a baby I was crying.

There isn't much I can say about this one that I haven't already said from the first one, so basically if you liked the first you'll love this one. 


"Dr. Evil: How about, no, Scott? Okay?"

"Austin: You shut your mouth, you bastard,


Austin: who is fat."

"Austin: [referring to Felicity sleeping with Fat Bastard] Well, how could you do it?

Felicity Shagwell: I was just doing my job.

Austin: No, I mean, literally, HOW could you do it? The man's so fat, the sheer mechanics of it are mind-boggling."

"It's a bit nutty."


  1. I actually watched this one before the first movie.
    Absolute classic.


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