Bambi (1942)


Genre: Family/ Fantasy 

Time: 1h 10mins

Directors: David Hand, Clyde Geronimi, James Algar

Quick Summary: The story of a young deer growing up in the forest.

This was mostly a sensory video because of the music and animation for me and I loved every second of it

Admittedly I don't have much to say about Bambi, since there isn't really much to it. It's a cute film, sweet as anything and is just joyful (mostly). It has it's very dark moments, which honestly I would have preferred one of them being a bit longer. I only say this since it's towards the end and is really the only interesting part of the film. Other than that, this is basically a cute story about a little deer as he runs around the forest throughout the seasons.

Obviously it is targeted towards very young kids as the dialogue is really simple and sort of babyish at times, and there are a lot of moments where they would just be laughing at a word or a flower. Which Is cute, but gets a bit tiring after a while. Bambi himself is adorable. He's like watching a small child discover absolutely everything and find joy in anything.

That said, this does actually teach a few things really well, and in such a gentle way. Even when it gets to some of the darker moments, like Bambi's mother's death or the forest fire at the end. Bambi's mother's death I think could have been touched on more, not only for the fact they didn't really say much about it but it could actually help young kids learn about death a bit more without it being graphic or brutal. The forest fire could have done with more screentime since it was one of the most well done part of the film in terms of animation with music. I was glued to the screen the entire way through it.

What I do love about this is how pretty it is. I'm not sure what they did to animate and draw the backgrounds but I am in love. Glorious vibrant and rich colours of the forest cover the screen, from beautiful flowerbeds rammed full of flowers to a snowy ice rink from a lake, everything is stunning to see. To go with this, the music. This is another thing this film does so well. It's like the animated and composed the music at the same time so that everything would perfectly match. Every little thing makes some sort of musical tune, raindrops, wind, birds, you name it. 

I didn't care for the little romance Bambi had, it wasn't important considering everything that happens. It could have done without it honestly, though it did lead up to a really visually cool battle scene between adult bambi and another deer. You can hardly tell who is who as it's mostly black and dark blue aside from streaks of green and red outlining them as they strike each other. 

Visually and musically, I like this film. Story wise and characters, eh. It could have been better. I get this was probably more about creating an impact about saving the forest and animals, but they could have made it a bit more interesting. At least they looked cute.

Week 3 of me and my partner cooking Disney themed food: 

Venison burgers and flower sugar cookies


"Young Bambi: What happened, Mother? Why did we all run?
Bambi's Mother: Man was in the forest."

"Mrs. Rabbit: What did your father tell you this morning?
Thumper: If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."
