Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)


Genre: Comedy/ Romance

Time: 1h 57mins

Director: Mike Newell

Quick Summary: Over the course of five social occasions, a committed bachelor must consider the notion that he may have discovered love.

The fact these people were getting engaged let alone married months after meeting each other is insane to me. Hugh Grant fiddling with his thick glasses while stammering is probably the reason I kept watching this. 

While I really enjoyed the comedy side of this, the romance part of it really didn't work for me. It was honestly a little weird. Was this normal for the 90's? I mean people were meeting each other and getting married within months, does anyone else not find that insane? Along with this, nobody really had any chemistry between them and all felt a bit bland. As for the main romance, well, I have never seen a more dull romance in my life. Hugh Grant was wonderful as always, a charming and awkward gentleman. I have absolutely no faults with him. Andie MacDowell however was dreadful. It was like watching a robot who forgot its lines all the time, staring awkwardly after Hugh had said something before speaking in such a monotone voice pretty much deadpan.

Honestly, there was a perfectly good romance right in front of him, one of his friends Fiona who actually confesses her love to him. This would have been so sweet considering everything that happens. They definitely worked a lot more than Miss Deadpan. 

As for the humour, classic British. We get awkward chit-chat that sometimes leads to accidentally telling secrets, satirical comments on weddings and things that were going on, and hilariously awkward events like Hugh being sat at a table full of his ex's as they talk about different stories they've heard unknowingly talking about someone sitting with them, your classic tongue in cheek and witt. I loved that a running joke in this is that Hugh was always late to things and weddings so there would be a mad rush to get to places and be ready. 

I also felt it was a bit strange that Hugh's character was in so much of a hurry to get married, that he decided to get back with an insufferable ex and get married to her to only change his mind on the day of the wedding. Surely, you'd have doubts before the day? Serves you right for trying to get married after a couple of months.

The issue with this is most of the characters don't feel authentic. You can tell they've been loosely written, and poorly at that. It is charming due to the humour and Hugh, but aside from that it's dull and nowhere what I expect a Rom-com to be. I adored the friend group though. They were adorable, a bunch of weirdos together having fun. As poorly written as they were, I could see people like this being friends. I loved all the little jokes they would have between them that would crop up every now and again. 

Sadly though this doesn't save this from being rather dull. I'd pick any other Rom-Com, though your parents might like this.


"Charles: [thinking they're running really late] Time.

Matthew: Honestly?

Charles: Yes! Time!

Matthew: It's about ten to nine.

[Charles runs off, realises what Matthew said and returns to the car]

Charles: Bastards."
