Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)


Genre: Action/ Superhero

Time: 1h 32mins

Director: Tim Story

Quick Summary: The Fantastic Four learn that they aren't the only super-powered beings in the universe when they square off against the powerful Silver Surfer and the planet-eating Galactus.

We've still got all the cheesy elements from the first one but they've actually improved on it to my surprise. Everyone gets their own little development, but Johnny is the focus this time and honestly, it's pretty fun. After an altercation with Silver Surfer, nobody in his team can touch him or they will swap powers and this makes for some pretty fun but also bad-timing situations where the team have to quickly think on their feet.

Again though we only get surface-level developments, like Johnny starting to want the idea of settling down and his ego becoming slightly softer, but that is mostly played for laughs sadly. We do get the return of "in this together" and "family" tropes, as some of the team members battle with the idea of possibly raising a family in this bizarre world of being a superhero. It is a shame it was only briefly touched on because I think it could have been a really interesting plot point to keep throughout.

I will stand on this hill but I want to praise the CGI for Silver Surfer. I feel like he was done incredibly well. While he does look a little odd in places, mostly he looks so shiny and the lighting on him is done so well, even when the chrome look drains from his body. I do wish we got more background on him or some sort of development for him as there were so many interesting parts that were dropped into the story, especially with Galactus. 

Going on to the action for this, I still like it. The end fight was really fun and really brought home the teamwork theme of this one even if they were arguing with each other at points, but honestly what kind of family doesn't squabble at times. A lot of the fight scenes were just them accidentally bumping into Johnny and then having to figure out what to do with the swapped powers which honestly were pretty clever and enjoyable. Any of the scenes with Silver Surfer were brilliant, I loved watching his powers being showcased. One of the highlights for me was when Johnny was chasing him and he just simply melted through buildings, his board and Johnny himself. Another was one when he seamlessly caught a missile with his board. 

It is a massive shame about Galactus. Only from being told I found out that he was supposed to be a massive space being planet eater, not a space storm. He could have been so much more threatening, but I do think the general public was not ready for a silly outer world being in their superhero film. 

We do get the return of Victor Von Doom, but again we don't get much of him. However this time his motivation is "power", which I think was every other villain's motivation at the time. Still, I have no clue what his powers were.

Still super fun and enjoyable, a brilliant continuation of the series. I do wish we had more superhero films like this now.


"Johnny Storm: [about Alicia and Ben having sex] I'd hate to wake up one morning and find out she was killed in a rockslide!"

"Ben Grimm: [sees Johnny flying] I hope it rains."
