Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
Genre : Comedy/ Sci-Fi Time: 1h 38mins Director: Jay Roach Quick Summary: Upon learning that his father has been kidnapped, Austin Powers must travel to 1975 and defeat the aptly named villain Goldmember, who is working with Dr. Evil. I'm still sad we never got to see a full-blown evil Scott. I am equally as shocked to see that Beyoncé acted in this. Never in a million years would I have guessed she did something like this and she kills it. She isn't really that funny but as a serious actor, it worked, balancing the silly things Austin would get up to. Admittedly this one feels like kicking a dying horse, it's just not as good as the others. The jokes didn't feel quite right, while they were funny they just weren't as outrageous or over the top. It feels like they tried to play it more safe with what they joked about which is why I think this one has the most slapstick out of the three. That isn't a complaint either because we get quite a few scenes where M...