There's Something About Mary (1998)
Genre: Comedy/ Romance
Time: 1h 59mins
Directors: Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly
Quick Summary: A man gets a chance to meet up with his dream girl from high school, even though his date with her back then was a complete disaster.
I didn't hate this, but I didn't love it either.
This is full of extremely dated 2000's styled humour. Making fun of mentally disabled people, body fluids and sex jokes, and a lot of bathroom humour. I laughed don't get me wrong as these are pretty good jokes and I'm still a young teen at heart, but not all of the jokes landed well. It's such a mixed bag because, some of these jokes I couldn't stop laughing at, but a lot of them I really cringed at. There's this one moment where this guy feeds a dog drugs to chill it out, but feeds it a too-high dose so the dog stops breathing, so the guy proceeds to try and bring it back to life by hitting it against things, doing wrestling moves against it, and various other silly things. At first, it was funny, but then it really just went on for too long.
The story is very bizarre I will admit as it's the classic "few guys fight to get this one girl" trope, but this time they're all basically stalkers or losers trying to impress her, doing various things to backstab the other. Something I was actually surprised about is that this actually manages to surprise me with a twist at the end, and how that plays out got a few laughs out of me too. As for the main part of the story, it is all over the place, jumping from one thing to the next full of various stupid and outrageous moments.
I did feel a little uncomfortable for Mary, the targeted woman, as it would have been very overwhelming and also very creepy having a bunch of stalker weirdos all trying to proclaim their love to you but getting you to like their false personas. One even went so far as to pretend to be a crippled English architect, when in fact he was just an American Pizza delivery boy. But I suppose it is something to laugh about.
Ben Stiller is okay in this. Even though he is practically the main character, I forgot about him. He's not really that memorable, like a budget Adam Sandler. He did have his moments like as soon as he leaves Mary's house, he's just hysterically sobbing, but mostly his bits aren't that funny.
This is definitely watchable, though a bit dated now. Almost a modern take on screwball comedies, but not as funny.
"Pat Healy: Wait... how many is this?
Norm: Umm... four.
Pat Healy: Four? That seems like an aweful lot of speed to give one little pooch. Are you sure it won't kill him?
Norm: I never said that.
Pat Healy:"
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