Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
Genre: Sci-Fi/ Adventure
Time: 1h 35mins
Director: Ted Post
Quick Summary: The sole survivor of an interplanetary rescue mission searches for the only survivor of the previous expedition. He discovers a planet ruled by apes and an underground city run by telepathic humans.
What just happened?
This has to have one of the most terrible, strangely cut, bizarre endings I've ever seen. Like who said this ending was okay? I feel scammed.
Anyway. This is a bit of an odd sequel. I think I was left with more questions than anything. We're introduced to a new human who can speak, who looks exactly like Tayor which wasn't confusing at all. At least he isn't much of an ass this time, but he does feel like a watered-down version of him.
It goes through the same rehashed beats of the first film, "Oh my god talking monkeys.", "oh my god, a talking human." "escape from taking monkey city". So it did get a bit boring as we had basically seen this all before, especially since we saw the exact same Apes we did before. After all, this is where it gets a bit more interesting but more confusing as we go underground. Now I won't go into detail about it but it was an incredibly confusing story side of things as it created a bunch of plot holes.
The camerawork had massively improved by being much more dynamic during the chase scenes or fights, which is a small delight for this and provided a bit more entertainment. Especially during the underground moments when it feels incredibly closed in. Again thanks to the bizarre but brilliant soundtrack to help create this eerie atmosphere.
There isn't much to say about this one without spoiling or explaining the same thing as the previous film. I have a bit of a dislike for this one as it sort of destroys everything the first one has, thanks to that really strange ending. It's almost as if they gave up, said fuck it, and gave us this.
I'd recommend you skip this one, as the next one basically explains the main plot device of this one and keeps it going. You won't be missing out on anything. Though, I do find it funny that the chimpanzees talk about gorillas as a bunch of blockheads.
"Dr. Zaius: Someone, or something, has outwitted the intelligence of the gorillas.
Dr. Zira: That shouldn't be difficult."
"Cornelius: If you are caught by the gorillas, you must remember one thing.
John Brent: What's that?
Cornelius: Never to speak!
John Brent: What the hell would I have to say to a gorilla?"
"Ursus: I can't order them to do what the Lawgiver has forbidden! Ape shall not kill ape."
Bright lights, monkey city