Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011)


Genre: Sci-Fi/ Action

Time: 1h 45mins

Director: Rupert Wyatt

Quick Summary: A substance designed to help the brain repair itself gives advanced intelligence to a chimpanzee who leads an ape uprising.

Finally the justice these films deserved with a good film.

There is so much that is good about this film that the small things can be overlooked. Some moments are truly gratifying, and the main ape really steals the show with his evolution throughout the movie. The journey this ape takes really connects and you feel his plight. Honestly, it's so emotional the whole way through and there were moments I gasped or cheered especially during the big “no” moment. Hands down one of my favourite film moments.

Even though you know the chimps are CGI, their eyes look amazing, with depth and personality, and along with their body language and facial animations, you really do forget they are CGI. This ape has the most terrifying but impressive look I have ever seen. It just screams a strong leader. 

Something that really pleases me is the sheer amount of references to the originals this makes, from classic lines to nicknames, to even almost copying moments all while creating its own separate story. The plot is actually very different to the original too and I like it. It's one of the best revolutionary stories I have ever seen, even if it's basic. It works and is extremely compelling and interesting to watch.

You have no idea how glad I am that they skipped over the human romance plot. I was dreading it as soon as I saw that woman, I thought we were going to waste half an hour dragging through their unnecessary romance rubbish. 

I actually don't have a single complaint about the pacing, usually, I find these types of films to be too slow or too quick as they either want to make sure they get every little thing in by dragging it out or cramming it all together. This found a nice medium, the right scenes were slow and then they knew when to pick it up a bit when it came to the action. 

One of the best Planet of the Apes films I've seen so far, I highly recommend this one for anyone especially fans of the original.


"Caesar is home."

"Dodge Landon: Take your stinking paw off me, you damn dirty ape!

Caesar: NO!"


  1. "Ape together strong"

    Ape dumb

    1. Ah, I see you picked 1 intelligence for your S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats.


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