Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)


Genre: Sci-Fi/ Adventure

Time: 1h 38mins

Director: Don Taylor

Quick Summary: The world is shocked by the appearance of three talking chimpanzees, who arrived mysteriously in a U.S. spacecraft. They become the toast of society, but one man believes them to be a threat to the human race.

Should have named the baby Taylor in my opinion but whatever.

Let's pretend this is the sequel to the first film. Our two favourite talking apes have come to Earth as we know it. This one comes across as less dramatic and more fun and whimsical as the pair experience Earth's luxuries in a cute little montage. Honestly, I'm glad this one had more fun with it, as we really needed it after that god-awful second film. 

I came to love Zira and Cornelius even more in this as their personalities come out a lot more. Their dialogue becomes more funny as they bounce jokes between each other, and funny little misunderstandings of earth's culture. Most of this film is very lighthearted, but as it goes on longer the tone gets more darker as people begin to realise this is their future. It creates an interesting premise of, whether are we able to stop destiny or if is it set in stone, and people will do anything to stay in power. 

There is an adorable little baby Chimp in this that honestly stole my heart whenever he was on screen. Even if he didn't do much, just how he looked at things was so cute. As well whilst I love paradoxes, this one can be a little confusing to think about. Basically, think of the "chicken or the egg" question. But hopefully, it manages to set up the next film well by doing this. 

Surprisingly, this got really graphic with a couple of screen deaths which I think have most definitely traumatised me now.  Honestly, it was a little shocking too to witness them in terms of story. I do like the moral dilemmas placed in this one too. Telling the truth to be deemed more trustworthy, or lying a bit to help protect the peace as well as their own safety, which make for some really tense and devastating moments. 

Again film is hard to talk about with talking about the spoiler parts of this film, but I do highly recommend this one directly after the first. It's fun, has some more darker moments, and a baby chimpanzee. What else could you ask for?


"What is your name?

Dr. Zira: Zira.

Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: One might as well be talking to a parrot.

Dr. Zira: A parrot?

Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: What did I tell you? Mechanical mimicry. Unique in an ape, vocally, without a doubt, but... does the other one talk?

Cornelius: Only when she lets me."

"[as part of an intelligence test, Zira builds a stairway out of blocks to reach a hanging banana; and then after climbing the stairway, just sits beneath it staring]

Dr. Stephanie Branton: Well why doesn't she take it?

Dr. Zira: [the first time a monkey speaks to a human] Because I loathe bananas!"

"Armando: You're asking me to risk imprisonment for the sake of two fugitive apes? The answer is: a thousand times, yes.


  1. Dude's got the face that says, "An Ape you say? I'm something of an Ape myself."


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