Love Virtually (2023)

Genre: Comedy

Time: 1h 24mins

Director: L.E. Staiman

Quick Summary: Four couples attempt to find true love in a virtual world by going to absurd extremes in a world where the Metaverse is commonly used.

Don't look up what a French tugboat is

I don't know how I felt about this film as boy it was an experience. It's messy and I don't know how to describe it. I do hope this becomes a cult classic.

This was sometimes funny, but I laughed at how awkward or bad this was. Every joke felt so unhinged and out of pocket, for example, someone posts a black clay face mask on Black Lives Matter day and they get cancelled for it, but their therapist is trying to get them to talk about how shallow and close-minded this person is as we're learning about this. AT THE SAME TIME, said therapist is having an online sexual chat with someone else (to have an affair) who she thinks is a stranger but turns out to be her husband, who also thinks it's a random stranger. 

The acting is awful, straight up. I think they honestly got random people off the street to act in this. There is this one guy who just keeps saying subscribe at the end of most of his lines, which is funny but it got really tiresome. The main guy, he does fuck all during the film apart from crying about his girlfriend who broke up with him, then proceeds to hack into the system to win her back virtually.

Even though she is just in the other room in reality. 

 I also think this had zero budget because there are scenes where virtual avatars are used, and they are so god damn ugly. Like they're painful to look at. The whole thing was painful to watch really as I realised I didn't actually care what happened at the end. This feels like a parody, that actually tries to be serious, but ultimately fails at that and parodies itself. 

Watch this if you want to laugh at something with a group of friends, otherwise please stay clear of this absolute mess of a film. 

