Genre: Horror/ Sci-Fi
Time: 1h 38mins
Director: James Wong
Quick Summary: After getting a premonition about a plane crash on his school trip, Alex, a student saves a few of his classmates. However, their situation gets complicated when death starts chasing them.
This film got me all kinds of stressed out
I fully believe this is where the trope of characters are fucking stupid in horror films. Jesus, they just can't do anything right in this one, even to the point of putting themself right slap-bang in the middle of danger by just doing the most absurd things. Like sure, I just poured boiling water in a mug to tip it out and then put vodka from the freezer in it, that isn't going to crack and spill everywhere where electrical stuff is. Every single character just chooses to be a moron and not use their brain and it stressed me out big time.
All that said, this is still really original. The concept of Death will catch you if you cheat him, no matter how hard you run and no matter how many times you cheat him out of dying. What this does is that it takes any usual day-to-day event/item and makes it a death instrument. Going to fly on a plane? It explodes. In your bathroom? You trip and hang yourself on a wire. Walking around outside, you get crushed by a giant neon sign.
The deaths in this, I was pretty mixed as some of them were pretty good, like the hanging in the bathroom, or even death by electric powerline. But some of them were dull, like being hit randomly by a bus, which had no lead-up by the way. Just boom. A bus.
In addition to the stupid decisions, it didn't help that everyone was awful at acting in this. I dreaded any time anyone opened their mouth. The writing is just lame too, who came up with the storyline and thought it was a good idea. Who thought it was a good idea to make more actually.
Even though I do complain about this film, I still like it. It's awful but enjoyable. I would definitely re-watch this and revel in how trashy this is because it's stupid and that's what makes it fun to watch. If you are a fan of stupid horrors, then this you will also like.
P.S. They also named a character clear because her last name was Rivers.
"Tod Waggner: Alex. Let's go take a shit.
Alex Browning: Take a shit by yourself.
Tod Waggner: No, dude. Listen okay. Listen. Take some knowledge. We're about to board a seven hour flight. The toilets in coach are barely ventilated closets. Alright, if that. Now lets say half way through the flight, right, your body wants that airplane food out. You got to go torque a wicked cable. Then directly after you, walks in Christa or Blake.
[Alex and Tod look at Christa and Blake, who are sitting down reading magazines]
Tod Waggner: You want them to associate you with that watery sting in their eye? That reflexive gag at the back of their throat?"
"What you have to realize is that we're just a mouse that a cat has by the tail, every single move we make from the mundane to the monumental, the red light that we stop at or run, the people we have sex with or won't with us, the airplanes that we ride or walk out of, it's all part of Death's sadistic design. Leading to the grave."
Rusted?! Tetanus