The Nice Guys (2016)
Genre: Comedy/ Action Time: 1h 56mins Director: Shane Black Quick Summary: In 1970s Los Angeles, a mismatched pair of private eyes investigate a missing girl and the mysterious death of a porn star. I don't think I've ever heard Ryan Gosling scream so much I'll be honest, I preferred Ryan over Russell Crowe. Sure, Russell had his funny moments and had really good chemistry with Ryan but honestly, I forgot he was there half the time. I'm not sure if I just didn't like his acting, or the type of character he was given, he just didn't hit it off with me. I think the moments I did enjoy with him were only because of Ryan I'll be honest. Ryan Gosling was amazing in this, and I think for the majority of this he was just screaming but man it was hilarious to watch him essentially flail around and stumble his way onto clue to solve the crime. He had a much better sense of comedic timing and how he visually reacted to things was great. This was fun to watch, ...