The Sweet East (2023)
Genre: Fantasy/ Drama
Time: 1h 44mins
Director: Sean Price Williams
Quick Summary: A picaresque journey through the cities and woods of the Eastern seaboard of the U.S undertaken by Lillian, a high school senior from South Carolina. She gets her first glimpse of the wider world on a class trip to Washington, D.C.
What a strange line of events.
I'll be honest I'm not sure how I feel about this film, as it's a strange one that a lot but not a lot happens. The main girl SCREAMS manic pixie dream girl energy and I'm all for it. She was pretty much the reason why I stuck through this film, as I really just enjoyed watching her react to the things happening around her. The situations she got herself into were honestly pretty impressive like she just went along with whatever was happening, just out of sheer curiosity (or boredom).
Thinking about it, the timeline is hard to follow from memory as there was barely any rhyme or reason to things, it was just one thing happening after another. For the first half, it's like wow cool she's doing so much stuff, talking to so many people. And then it wore off and I admittedly lost interest.
The biggest issue is that all the conversations are super drawn out and purely monologues at times. Don't get me wrong, I do like monologues, but this was just boring. Also, It isn't really worth it in the end, it just ends in such an anti-climax or unsatisfying way.
Sadly, I don't have much to say about this film as there isn't much I can say without repeating myself. Sure it looks sort of pretty in a 70's old film way with the grain and yellowish ting, but it doesn't distract me from how boring this is.
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