Army of Darkness (1992)


Genre: Horror/ Comedy

Time: 1h 26mins

Director: Sam Raimi

Quick Summary: When Ash Williams is accidentally transported to 1300 A.D., he must retrieve the Necronomicon and battle an army of the dead in order to return home.

This isn't really scary compared to the first two (unless you find bones scary), but instead it brings out the crazy, humorous and wacky elements way more this time around which is what I loved about the previous two. 

The humour in this film is a bit odd, so I could understand if someone didn't find it funny at first. What you need to realise is this isn't serious, and most definitely doesn't take itself seriously. Its all very tongue in cheek and almost if its parodying itself. There are a lot of comedic relief moments that happen at the most bizzare times, which honestly make it funnier to me. It keeps up the camp comedy we got in the last two and really runs with it this time.

What really drives this movie though is Bruce Campbell reprising his role as Ash. His goofy, silly and wackiness while also being a badass brings a lot to this movie. I feel like with each film he's just gotten better and really created this bizarre wacky dude. 

Although it can be cheesy at times it's still a very fast-paced and entertaining film. It pairs slapstick and horror really well. I guess my major complaint it feels way too long, for a film I thought was two hours only turned out to be one hour and a half. It's pretty hard to do that. A lot of scenes were just pretty boring and didn't really grab my attention.The romance felt a bit unnecessary too, really I don't think anyone would have cared if it wasn't in there. I'm here for some gore and laughs. 

For a final of a trilogy it really holds up and is very enjoyable. Looking at this compared to the first, it really has changed and found its feet. Well worth a watch if you like the first two, though really you could watch this without any knowledge of the previous two.


"This... is my BOOMSTICK!"

 "Hail to the king, baby."

"Wiseman: When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the words?

Ash: Yeah, basically.

Wiseman: Did you speak the exact words?

Ash: Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


  1. "You ain't leading nothing but jack and shit, and jack left town" my favourite line i think aside from Groovy 😎

    1. "This, is my BOOM STICK," is mine, straight and to the point.


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