Aquaman (2018)
Genre: Action/ Fantasy Time: 2h 23mins Director: James Wan Quick Summary: Arthur Curry, the human-born heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, goes on a quest to prevent a war between the worlds of ocean and land. Man, they really like slow motion in this. You know I'm not sure what I found strange more, the sheer amount of slow-motion scenes or the sheer amount of scenes when Jason Momoa is shirtless, or the sheer amount of scenes where explosions just randomly happen to interrupt conversations. I have zero comments about Amber Heard and refuse to acknowledge her. I'll be honest, the first hour got me. While it wasn't brilliant, It felt like it was going to be silly and not very serious in a good cheesy type of way. For someone like Aquaman, it needed to be fun, especially being played by Jason Moma, but sadly they chose to be serious with it which resulted in a poorly toned film. Weirdly enough, something I liked about this is how pretty the underw...