Wonder Woman (2017)


Genre: Action/ Fantasy 

Time: 2hours 21mins

Director: Patty Jenkins

Quick Summary: When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, an Amazonian warrior in training, leaves home to fight a war, discovering her full powers and true destiny.

You know you're in for a boring film when it takes over one hour to get into any proper action.

It's actually sad to say I enjoyed suicide squad more than this. The script? Garbage. Everyone feels so unemotional and almost robotic. Half the time it relies on cliches and having to state absolutely everything happening out loud. They obviously knew we wouldn't be fully paying attention. 

Let's talk about the action scenes, While there was an absolutely sick guitar riff playing throughout them, they were so full of really gross and obvious-looking GCI that it was hard to enjoy them. Not that they were that interesting anyway.

I will say as a quick note, that Wonder Woman's outfit was on point and I thought it was pretty cool looking admittedly.  As well even though the action scenes weren't that interesting, watching her boss on the battlefield was honestly really fun. (Probably the only interesting thing she did)

Do you know what made this worse? The final battle was horrible to watch. Flipping from World War One to sudden mythology was a bit of whiplash for me. Along with pretty much all of this film too, that was incredibly predictable. 

Honestly, this isn't really worth the watch, everyone is so generic and follows the same formula most superhero films do, which isn't always a bad thing, just somehow they make it even more interesting. 



  1. Probably the only decent scene was the battlefield scene from what I remember and the main character aside from Wonder Woman is so one dimensional as well


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