Cry-Baby (1990)
Genre: Comedy/ Musical
Time: 1h 25mins
Director: John Waters
Quick Summary: In 1950s Baltimore, a bad boy with a heart of gold wins the love of a good girl, whose boyfriend sets out for revenge.
How have I never heard of this, it's absolutely hilarious!
If you don't like this I genuinely feel sorry for you. Now imagine you're watching the musical Grease, now imagine if someone drugged you. This is what you get. It's pure fun. This is something you can just sit back and enjoy no matter what. Full of campy humour that pokes fun at the 50's, and some of their backwards beliefs and ideals. It's almost cartoony.
In this, the "Good Guy" is actually the bad guy, loving our main heroine but almost forcing her to be something she doesn't want to be. In fact, the group of people who are seen as bad, are some of the most accepting, loving, and fun people I have ever seen and it brings so much heart to this. But it does reflect how strict and plain people were back then.
You know what the songs in this are actually incredible too. They're honestly so catchy, and even if they're not extra or really out there they are still so much fun to watch. A very young Johnny Depp does a brilliant job really bringing the camp humour to this.
I don't want to say too much about this as it's such an experience. Watch it as soon as you can and I promise you that you won't regret it.
"We're squares, Allison, and squares got to stick together.
Yeah, but Drapes are people too. They just look different."
"I pay taxes on cigarettes, don't I? And what do I get for those taxes? Happiness? *Hell* no! I get tuberculosis!"
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’m a fan you know. Nice to see people with some appreciate for the film