Demolition Man (1995)
Genre: Action/ Sci-Fi
Time: 2 hours
Director: Marco Brambilla
Quick Summary: A police officer is brought out of suspended animation in prison to pursue an old ultra-violent nemesis who is loose in a non-violent future society.
The way this had me hooked right up until the 1 hour 30 mark.
This was fun. Like really fun. I actually really enjoyed how silly this was especially for a 90s action flick where they always tried to be serious.
A lot of the humor comes down to the wittiness of the script and the satirical comments on things. Stallone seems to be the only realistic character with his general commentary and reactions to his future, like repeated swearing even though he keeps getting fined even to the point of doing it on purpose. Bullock was someone I also really enjoyed as she was just so silly, having sort of a whimsical energy about things which was honestly really cute at times. Wesley snipes is just brilliant as always, being absolutely extra as the villian. I loved every moment he was on screen. Everyone plays off each other really well.
The action scenes and stunt work were very big budget with nothing held back. Hand to hand, gunfights, car chases, explosions and one liners, this movie has it all. This immediately throws you into a full blown rescue mission and I was honestly hooked, I didn't care I had no idea what was going on. Wesley and Stallone bitching at each other and blowing stuff up constantly had me.
I like this so much because it makes its points through extremely over-the-top "mindless" action and tongue-in-cheek, purposefully cheesy plot and dialogue all to the point of satire and it works so well.
It's just a shame that this chose to go too big with ifs plot and try to do the whole 'the government is up to something' trick which honestly ruined it for me. If this had stayed as a typical chase the villian film this would have stayed simple and fun. But no. They needed to add more in.
Living up to its name, this film was a blast. Even though this looses it's charm after a while, it's still a lot of fun.
"Dr. Cocteau: Be well!
John Spartan: Be fucked"
I remember watching this a few months ago, it was really bizarre but it was pretty good.