Ratatouille (2007)
Genre: Comedy/ Fantasy Time: 1h 51mins Director: Brad Bird Quick Summary: A rat who can cook makes an unusual alliance with a young kitchen worker at a famous Paris restaurant. I think I watched this so many times as a kid its probably why I love to cook. There is always something so charming about pixar films. They have such a soft eye pleasing style, and this is no different except there are moments that look stylistically real. Such as during the cooking moments. They really made that food look appetising. Its almost like watching those ASMR cooking videos but with French music and a cute little rat. The colors are very lush and detailed; very accurate toward a real city-scape. This is one of those feel good films that you can't hate. Its so relaxing to watch this, even during some of the more action based scenes. Most Pixar movies actually contain very mature messages and this one is no different. It teaches kids that anyone can do anything and be from anywhere. There s...