Batman Begins (2005)
Genre: Action/Fantasy
Time: 2h 20mins
Director: Christopher Nolan
Quick Summary: After witnessing his parents' death, Bruce learns the art of fighting to confront injustice. When he returns to Gotham as Batman, he must stop a secret society that intends to destroy the city.
I'm not that impressed, to be honest. It was pretty boring for a long while. This might be a hot take here but I didn't really see the need to watch the whole process of Bruce becoming Batman either. It just stretched out how boring the first half of this is.
I didn't mind the whole "Dark" aesthetic as it does fit with the tone, but this was literally too dark to see some things at times. I did like the cinematography though in the landscapes and backgrounds, or occasionally during a slow scene as we watch Batman in the shadows.
Honestly, I couldn't take Christan Bale's Batman voice seriously at all. It made me laugh every single time. Who thought that was a good idea? Out of all the Batmans we have had, I honestly think I put Christian Bale near the bottom. Usually, I really like him in films.
Even though I did like Micheal Cain, I found it odd he seemed to always be against Bruce. Maybe it was to create conflict, but that still didn't make this any more interesting. Cillian Murphy was definitely one of the best things, but he was totally underused. He was also too easily defeated. I do wish he was in it more.
I did like the designs of most of the vehicles and gadgets, shame they weren't in it for long.
The story in the second half was almost as boring as none of the villains really had any actual motives. It was just to be "Bad". To add to this, the action scenes weren't the best. Occasionally I found them engaging, but otherwise, they were just too quick. Which is ironic considering how slow the majority of the film is.
This probably wasn't my type of film and is sure to please some Batman fans, just not this one.
Cillian Murphy is hot