Beau Is Afraid (2023)
Genre: Horror/ Comedy Time: 3hrs Director: Ari Aster Quick Summary : Following the sudden death of his mother, a mild-mannered but anxiety-ridden man confronts his darkest fears as he embarks on an epic, Kafkaesque odyssey back home. I'm not entirely sure how to describe this. This kinda broke my brain. Cinematography wise this was amazing. It was full of clever shots and camera pans. The use of colours and the background scenery is honestly so imaginative. I was so hooked on how visually entertaining this is. It goes all out with the scenes, maxing out how much they can fit in without overloading and it works. There is always something going on, even in the background which I really liked. The dialogue I really enjoyed too, constantly playing upon what other people's reactions are to words we don't actually hear which I found really interesting. As well the monologues were perfectly paced and I never found myself getting bored of what was being said. A good handful ...