Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Genre: Action/ Adventure

Time: 2h 

Director: James Gunn

Quick Summary: A group of intergalactic criminals must pull together to stop a fanatical warrior with plans to purge the universe.

If this isn't one of your top Marvel Films, get out.

It’s big, bright, loud and weird, but most importantly of all, it’s just about the most fun you can hope to have during a movie. This is such a genuinely funny movie that is refreshing, it doesn't play on the same (Marvel) comedy tropes and really knows its target Audience.

Rightfully so, the first quarter of the film is crammed with exposition but this is really needed since there are a lot of characters and places and just overall background lore that needs context. It can come across as boring if done incorrectly, but this didn't. It spoon-feeds you this information while keeping you entertained which can be hard to do especially with a film so bombastic as this one.

The cast is perfect if I'm honest. Chris Pratt brings the perfect combination of swagger and vulnerability and charm without being too in your face. He's basically a big old goofball and I loved watching him on screen dance around to the amazing soundtrack and crack references that nobody around him would get. A lot of the cast is packed with so much personality it's amazing how nobody was over shone, everyone has their spotlight and It even bounced between multiple people throughout scenes. 

This is extremely immersive and it's easy to get lost in it. It doesn't take itself seriously and that is why it works so well. The story, actually, is also great. It isn’t predictable or over-the-top. And although it isn’t predictable, it is quite a simple story that can be followed easily: and this is great and essential for a film you can sit down and enjoy. As well the cinematography is great and there is some brilliant and satisfyingly fun action scenes.

The soundtrack is full of '70s and 80's songs that are very easy to recognise. Like the film, the songs are feel-good and upbeat which honestly are the perfect match for it. They boost the mood of each scene and it works incredibly well. 

If you haven't seen this yet (I dunno how you haven't) I really recommend it. It's just pure fun.


"Groot: I am Groot.

Peter Quill: Well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that."

"Quill, I have lived most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I will be grateful to die among my friends."

"*Nothing* goes over my head...! My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it."

"They crumpled my pants up into a ball. That's rude! They folded yours."
