Genre: Thriller/ Action
Time: 1h 35mins
Director: Elizabeth Banks
Quick Summary: An oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists and teens converge on a Georgia forest where a huge black bear goes on a murderous rampage after unintentionally ingesting cocaine.
I loved how outrageous this was, it was silly and fun. This knew exactly what it was doing and went full force. Somehow it manges to keep you laughing and equally on the edge of your seat, you're curious to see what is gonna happen next.
One thing I did not expect to be so good was the soundtrack, full of 80's jams that really add to the silliness of this film. One scene, the bear is chasing an ambulance while "Just can't get enough is blasting from it" and it is just so funny to watch but it throws in a bucket-full of gore which never feels out of place within this. It's all very energetic, and very much an experience.
This goes full out of campy fun, and everyone smashes their roles. I did think they were very one note, but this didn't need overly developed personalities. It's a film about a bear who eats cocaine, we all know what you're there to see. The bear goes absolutely wild throughout this. Rampaging through the forest in chase of it's newest addiction, jumping from trees, rolling around on the floor, and trying to cuddle people. It will chase people down if it gets the slightest whiff of the drug on them, and it will recklessly maul them to death too.
The biggest problem with this is the pacing. It jumps around way too much, and some of the scenes feel like they ended way too quickly. It did need to fit in so much with so many different characters, but not everyone's jokes landed at times.
The gore was pretty good too, it did go to extremes at time, but I really liked that. It fits with the film as overall it is very extreme. Everyone is introduced at random, flinging them all into the main setting at different points. A lot of the characters on paper would not work together, but this managed to do it really well.
Production wise, the bear is done in CGI which honestly it wasn't bad at all, and it never was distracting. You could obviously tell, but you almost forget at points. I really recommend this for a really fun time with people.
"Henry: Don't worry. Bears can't climb trees.
Peter: Of course they can!"
"Park Rangers are peace officers. Which means we can shoot people."
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