The Last Command (1928)
Genre: Silent/ Romance/ Drama Time: 1h 28mins Director: Josef von Sternberg Quick Summary: A former Imperial Russian general and cousin of the Czar ends up in Hollywood as an extra in a movie directed by a former revolutionary. As slow as this film was, I ended up really enjoying this. It took me a while to adjust to it being a silent film, but after not too long I was up to speed. The story is so interesting in itself, an exiled Russian general winds up on a Hollywood set as a movie extra to play a Russian general, reliving the past. On the offset that does sound quite boring and admittedly it took me a while to get into the story and understand what was going on. There ends up being so much emotion and complexity to it though that I wasn't expecting, and I was so so impressed that most of it was done through the use of music or expression. Emil Jannings is pretty good in this considering he doesn't say a single word. There are some nice laughs, a pretty good...