The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)


Genre: Family/Musical                     Time: 1h 25mins                Director: Jim Henson

Quick Summary: Scrooge, an old miser who dislikes Christmas, is visited by spirits who foretell his future and share secrets from his past and present, which helps change his view on life.

    This is absolutely flawless and I adore it.

Honestly, this film embodies the spirit of Christmas.

Micheal Caine's performance as scrooge is wonderful! He fits in perfectly with the puppets, never upstaging them or being overshone. Starting off cold and unapproachable he is able to smoothly meld his character into one with warmth and joy, oozing with charm throughout. 

One of my favourite parts was the narration, done by Gonzo and Rizzo, who are ever so charmingly funny. They bounce off each other like ping-pong balls, and show wonderful slapstick comedy, by being affected by various parts of the events happing in the film.  The muppets are always really good at being able to flawlessly portray humour within the 4th wall.

The puppetry is absolutely wonderful! Even though none of the characters looks realistic, the crew breathed so much life and personality into every single muppet that you believe that these characters are real, and that is why I admire this film so much. Even though this movie obviously takes place on a sound stage, most of this film looks like a stunning gothic painting and has a great moody set design.

This is an infectious joyous and wholesome musical comedy-drama brought to life by incredible puppeteer work, music, and voice acting. It’s one of those rare movies that will actually take you back to your childhood and make you feel like a little kid all over again.

I found the songs to be either amazing and catchy, or very forgettable sadly. There are a few that overshone the rest, though I can see the amount of work that had gone into them. Most of them have amazing puppet choreography, and they're filmed so perfectly. 

