The Avengers (2012)
Genre: Action/Adventure Time: 2h 33mins Director: Joss Whedon
Quick Summary: Nick Fury is compelled to launch the Avengers Initiative when Loki poses a threat to planet Earth. His squad of superheroes put their minds together to accomplish the task.
This was a hard film to pull off since it squeezed in so many characters it can be difficult to get all of their personalities to shine, but it managed to do it fairly well.
One thing I like actually was also a weakness of the movie: the internal conflict between the Avengers. Not all of them wanted to be there, and once together, they argued about what to do. This made the movie feel more realistic since it didn't make the team-up part feel too easy.
The other great thing about this movie is the compelling nature of its villain, Loki. His naked ambition for power becomes so destructive that he has to be taught a lesson once and for all or the total destruction of the earth. He craves power and will do anything to get it.
Though, I do think the movie is about thirty minutes too long and has multiple dull points that really should have been cut out. As well as this, there is a lot going on in the movie to even get it going which is the problem. You have to get Thor back to Earth, Hulk off the run, Captain America back in society, make Hawkeye and Black Widow real players in the game, and get Tony Stark to play nicely with them all. For the most part, it is done pretty well. The script is too clever for itself with too many one-liners, but in some cases the one-liners are perfect.
This definitely has its ups and downs. Overall it is ruined by a bloated runtime and attempts to perk up the comic book dialogue with humour and generic sweeping music. There are a few patches of bad CGI, as is the case with nearly every other Marvel film. The Avengers achieves exactly what it sets out to do: it’s fun and more than anything else, extremely entertaining. Only occasionally getting bogged down when it tries too hard to form a coherent narrative.
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"I Understood That Reference"
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