Troll (1986)
Genre: Horror/Fantasy Time: 1h 26mins Director: John Carl Buechler Quick Summary: A wicked troll king in search of a mystical ring that will transform him into human form invades a San Francisco apartment complex where a powerful witch lives The first five minutes are all opening credits. That’s it, just credits for five minutes. I'm not joking. The plot plays on different generic fairytale tropes and just grounds them into one storyline that is a little unsatisfying. Overall what made me love this film is just how chaotic it was. The little girl in this runs around screaming 'rat burgers' for a solid five minutes. In general, the whole cast is overacting but that just adds to the goofy nature of this film. The thing that really makes Troll a blast is the special effects. While the story is good, the practical effects and puppetry really stand out giving the movie a creepy realism th...