My Little Pony: The Movie (1986)


Genre: Family/ Fantasy 

Time: 1h 30mins

Director: Michael Joens

Quick Summary: Ponyland comes under attack from the Smooze, a massive purple ooze created by an evil witch who plans to destroy the ponies' annual spring festival.

I should have kept this as nostalgia. 

This is just bad and very painful to get through. I'm not sure if it's due to the horrible quality of the audio, which is incredibly tinny, or the dull dialogue. Especially one of the main ponies which happens to be a very young one, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Shoutout to Bart Simpson's voice actor who simply recycles Bart's voice. I'll tell you what, that was one of the most jarring experiences I've had ever.

Nobody, and I mean nobody is given any real personality. They're all just simple pin-point cutouts, this pony is caring, this one is shy, this one is stubborn. Okay, they somehow manage to get a few messages across like "Don't be selfish." and "Friendship is wonderful.", but for an adult watching this, it's painful.

Don't even get me started on the songs. Were they even songs? I don't think so, as they were just talking to music that barely passes as music. They all have no tune and nobody can sing.

Okay, even though I strongly disliked the art style, somehow the animation was almost flawless. It was brilliant and smooth throughout the film. As well as the colours! They were so pretty in lovely glittery pastels and honestly, it made this film kind of aesthetic. 

Villains? Well, they're pretty kidified. Being selfish and against fun is their motivation. But a lot of their moments are brought down to pure slapstick comedy and horrible "songs".

A small little mention about one cast member in particular. Danny DeVito. Although his voice is barely recognisable sadly and his character has none of his hilarious charm and chaos. 

I'd recommend you stay clear of this one if you haven't watched it, or if you have, keep it as nostalgia. 

