The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
Genre: Sci-fi/Thriller
Time: 1h 42mins
Director: Julius Onah
Quick Summary: Orbiting a planet on the brink of war, scientists test a device to solve an energy crisis, and end up face-to-face with a dark alternate reality.
Admittedly, this doesn't hold up to the same standard as the other two films in this series in my opinion.
To me, a lot of the story felt very messy. It does manage to somehow connect itself to the others and slightly explain how the original event came to be, although that as well wasn't explained very well even though it was one of the biggest most forced moments of exposition I have ever witnessed.
This film really wants you to feel the dread the characters are feeling, but it never quite does it. Events are all over the place like limbs that have been separated are still fully moving or other body horror elements, but they all just give the film more of a survival tone to it. People are picked off very quickly in this in various events. As well, it follows a plot that a lot of other films have already done, and done way better. The whole mysterious teleported away from Earth in a space station that is slowly breaking apart is getting overdone now, and it was sad to see Cloverfield fall into this.
A slightly good thing about it is that it does really well on its science side of things. It doesn't feel like ti dumbs down that side and actually talks about the terms properly.
Chris O'Dowd, I adored in this. His sense of humour just absolutely carries most of this film. Always with funny one-liners, quick comments and reactions. To be I was just watching this for him in the end because I enjoyed him so much. A lot of the cast felt like they just functioned around him though like he wasn't really part of the film, or even fit in which I found a bit odd.
The amount of plot holes and stupid ideas in this is insane though. People's decisions confused me with bare explanations to them, especially the big twist which absolutely baffled me. They weren't even because everyone is in hysteria, they were just ideas that were barely thought about. To me, a lot of this film was a passionless grab at straws to explain the events of the first two films. It barely gets by with its job so really unless you are a massive fan of the Cloverfield series, there isn't much point to watching this one. Even then it will probably only be once.
"Volkov: Earth disappears, the station does not feel the same. A woman appears in the wall. We're definitely not in Kentucky anymore.
Mundy: Kansas.
Volkov: Kansas. Really? Who gives a shit?
Mundy: People from Kansas."
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