Clash Of The Titans (1981)


Genre: Action/Adventure 

Time: 2hrs

Director: Desmond Davis

Quick Summary: Perseus must battle Medusa and the Kraken to save the Princess Andromeda.

Ray Harryhausen is a god with stop motion. This wonderfully shows his work and how much detail he loved to put into it. Sadly, it looks dated now, but the stop motion is still so impressive. He knows how to make a scene feel the right amount of eerie with the atmosphere he creates with the director, along with some really like landscapes and unique camera shots. 

 This is not a masterpiece. It does, though, tell a pretty good story. The characters (mostly) are exciting and the thread of mythology is interesting enough to carry it to its conclusion. It never overcomplicates things and it knows how to pace itself. Though I did feel as if it ran on a bit too long, some scenes could have been cut out. 

In this, there is a little metal owl, that really is that comedic sidekick that doesn't actually speak, it just makes noises. I couldn't tell if I loved it or hated it. It was a cute addition, but I felt like the movie could have done without it personally. 

Now the acting was a big old miss here. Everyone seems so stiff and emotionless. It was so strange because I was interested in this characters story wise but they were so hard to pay attention to because they seem so lifeless and blank. Their dialogue is so static as well, essentially announcing what they were doing every second.

Honestly, unless you love Ray Harryhausen or stop motion, I wouldn't really watch this. It gets boring at times and slow. It'll more than likely lose your attention pretty quickly.


"Perseus: I was lying on the seashore, looking up at the moon.

Ammon: Oh, the moon! That might explain things. You see, the moon affects the brain."
