Daredevil (2003)
Genre: Action/Fantasy
Time: 1h 43mins
Director: Mark Steven Johnson
Quick Summary: A man blinded by toxic waste which also enhanced his remaining senses fights crime as an acrobatic martial arts superhero.
Nothing has felt more 2000s than this film. It's so cheesy and "edgy" It's honestly so funny.
Absolutely nowhere near perfect but it manages to charm itself a way into your heart and is 100% dated no matter how you look at it. The editing relies on snappy cuts that swoop into the character, a pop-punk cool kid soundtrack to show how rad our main superhero is, training montages with evanescence blasting, and just that gritty look to the visuals.
I am honestly not sure if I loved Ben Affleck's performance of Daredevil. I really did not believe he was a blind person, he delivers his lines as if he's not sure what he's saying OR he is incredibly cocky. But that just made me laugh at this more. A film that is supposed to be serious has a full-on martial arts fistfight in the middle of a playground, in the middle of the day when he's not even dressed up as daredevil.
I think the biggest thing with this, is that it fully tries to be serious and with how dated it is, you can't. Daredevil jumps from buildings at 100mps which is nowhere near possible for humans, falls downs from skyscrapers and does not damage a single bone in his body, and fights that are very obviously sped up.
Crammed full of cheesy lines and the number of blind jokes that were forced into this is amazing. It tries to hammer into your brain about how amazing this guy is, and how super cool he is, look at what he can do. It feels cringe a lot of the time. The plot is all over the place, half of the film is focused on a blossoming romance between Matt and Elektra which isn't even worth it in the end. The villain that appears in this mostly felt a bit boring too and honestly, way too overpowered. A guy that will never miss his shot no matter what happens, but then somehow magically it turns out Daredevil can beat him with no explanation given.
Even though this is incredibly dated, I still enjoyed it. It's painfully average, but I still had a fun time watching it.
"Matt Murdock: I was just looking for some honey. Could you help me out?
Elektra: [not looking up] Right in front of you.
Matt Murdock: [chuckles] Well, could you be a little bit more specific?
Elektra: [looking up] What are you...
Matt Murdock: Blind? Yeah."
"Matt Murdock: You're holding back.
Elektra: Yes.
Matt Murdock: Don't."
"Ben Urich: Cool colour.
Matt Murdock: I wouldn't know."
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