Dark Water (2005)
Genre: Horror/ Thriller Time: 1h 45mins Director: Walter Salles Quick Summary: A mother and daughter, still wounded from a bitter custody dispute, hole up in a run-down apartment building, where they are targeted by the ghost of a former resident. I will say that I felt that Jennifer Connelly was a much more interesting character than the mother in the original movie. Overall, the characters were fleshed out better. The original just sort of glanced over many of the details about the divorce and how it was affecting the little girl. Some of the shots were actually more effective than the ones in the original even though I did like how the original lingers with a lot of them, and the ending in the remake is more satisfying and better executed than in the original. I was left confused for a start. Like the original, it is very slow placed. I got incredibly bored throughout most of this. As well it pretty much is a carbon copy of the original, even the script is the sa...