D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)


Genre: Family/ Sci-fi

Time: 1h 40mins

Director: Simon Wincer

Quick Summary: A seemingly normal young boy is found abandoned on a mountain road and adopted by a family who are increasingly amazed by his abilities before discovering the secret behind his real identity.

You know what, I liked this.

It's such a safe kids film and that's a good thing! Genuine heart and morals are put into this with a cute little adventure. The '80s did produce some really good mature films for kids, and this one I guess went under the radar. This isn't anything as good as E.T. or The Neverending Story, but it's okay and watchable. All the kids were pretty adorable to watch, none of them annoyed me or got on my nerves which is a first. 

As an adult who has seen many films, I did admittedly find this a little boring in places, but to my surprise, there were also epic car chase scenes with helicopters crashing into the ground which brought my attention right back. The film literally drops you right into the action without any explanation as we see a car being pursued by a helicopter up a mountain road.

Obviously predictable, but still charming with a surprising amount of humour too. Of course, it's safe for kids though. But even though it doesn't really go into this, there is a whole thing in this about what defines artificial intelligence or humans, since the boy being AI can actually express feelings and recognise other people's emotions which is something noted that humans can only do. But sadly it doesn't go much into it. What it all boils down to is that the kid is cute and regardless of how he came to be he doesn't deserve to be terminated.

There isn't much to this but it's still charming and easy to watch. I can't really talk too much about this as there isn't much to talk about. The kid spends time with friends and his foster parents; runs away from the government on a plane; and spends more time with his family. It's a chill film you can put on for kids that I'm sure they will enjoy and possibly even relate to, without feeling overstimulated. 

p.s I just found out Micheal Keaton is in this too.


"Daryl: Doctor, What am I?"
