The Babysitter (2017)
Genre: Horror/ Comedy Time: 1h 25mins Director: McG
Quick Summary: A 12-year-old Cole finds out his beloved babysitter belongs to a murderous satanic cult of teenagers. Cole must put his crush for his baby sitter aside and escape their grasp before they sacrifice him for personal gain.
In this movie, the attempts at humour and horror alike were a hit in the 80s but lands with a deadly thud. The Script is so dull and kinda cringe it is hard to want to focus, with it constantly slapping you with what is going on and the dialogue never exceeds the awful half-hearted actors that don't seem that engaged either. The characters start sounding fake and this only worsens as the movie goes on.
In the right hands, The Babysitter could have been a short, sharp thrill ride and a fond homage to its decades-old inspirations. There are a smattering of fun moments here, but most of what takes place onscreen feels like an excuse to string together wacky scenes and dialogue.
This really isn't my type of film but others might enjoy it more than me, maybe watch it to see.
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