Halloween kills (2021)
Genre: Horror/Thriller Time: 1h 46mins Director: David Gordon Greens
Quick summary: Michael Myers escapes Laurie's trap and tries to reach her, killing people on his way. On the other hand, Laurie finds support in a group of survivors of his previous rampages
This one was very disappointing to me, especially after how good the last one was. I mean, it wasn't bad, but it sure didn't step up the bar that was set.
As soon as the film starts, Micheal brutally demolishes Eleven firefighters as if they were made out of paper and returns on his rampage to find the one that continues to get away.
The overall focus within this one is the community once they learn Micheal is back, ensuring panic quickly erupts throughout the town. They choose to make their own plans to stop him, all whilst explaining their various (and confusing) connections to the killer himself. I didn't really like this turn if I'm honest. It wasn't necessary and kinda muddled up the lore a bit.
Micheal is still the unstoppable relentless killing machine and shows more of how much pure strength he has. He drops his whole shadowy, stalker facade for a show of brutal killings. He wants his revenge, and nothing is going to stop him. But that is basically all this film is. A bunch of killings. The plot doesn't really move forward and we're just kinda stuck in this limbo waiting.
Overall this film is very chaotic, and very messy too. Everyone makes a lot of stupid decisions which leads to a lot more. Including the ending of the film, I won't spoil it but clearly, it wasn't thought out very clearly and I wasn't surprised by what happened.
Nobody really stands out in this film, as they are either not important or they die within 30 mins, so nobody is given a chance to develop any personality. I’m a fan of violence in a movie, particularly in a horror movie, but this does very much feel like stabby for stabby sake. It stops becoming fun. That being said, there are some very creative kills including a skull-crushing, eye-gouging double whammy, a gunshot reversal via a car door, and a teenage boy becoming one with a banister via the neck.
The script is really where this film falls, it's watchable but it can be kinda boring and it's really pushing itself to bring something to the table of "Halloween"
"He won't stop killing until we stop him"
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