Barbie (2023)


Genre: Adventure/ Comedy

Time: 2 Hours

Director: Greta Gerwig

Quick Summary: Barbie suffers a crisis that leads her to question her world and her existence.

I wanted to cry. So much.

This is absolutely a masterpiece that tackles one of the biggest social issues currently known, and it does it with such good taste. I laughed equally as much as I cried. 

Everything is pink! But it's never an eyesore. Everything works in perfect harmony to create this adorable aesthetic. The set designs are also incredibly well done, appearing to be a perfect replica of dollhouses and various doll toys. 

Margot Robbie is perfect casting as Barbie, she nails the movement and the joyous attitude of Barbie wonderfully. I personally don't think anyone else could have done as well as she did during this film, especially during the more emotional parts of this which ended up really hitting hard. Ryan Gosling is phenomenal as Ken. Hilarious but yet still had such a deep philosophy behind him, all whilst being the most real depiction of  "Masculinity" I have seen; all done in an ironic fashion made to poke fun but also highlight some serious issues that come along with it.

This manages to balance humour and existentialism perfectly. There is one long monologue that speaks so truthfully and I expect it hit personally with a lot of people. Going into depth in how messed up our social standards are, rules we all have to quietly follow, stand out but not enough so that we overshine others, don't let yourself be stepped out but don't be mean. It even speaks volumes about motherhood and the many sacrifices they make for their children, teaches us application for all things and that everyone is beautiful. It's okay to be human and feel emotions, we are all complicated and complex but that is what makes us human. It comes across as so lighthearted and fun on the surface, but it touches on many deep issues in such a sensitive way that really brings out the hard-hitting emotions.

The songs I found to not be my own personal taste, but they were fun and fit the film really well. Being upbeat and feeling good to match the bright bubbly energy of Barbie, though one song near the end switches it up perfectly by being more impactful exactly at the right time. Though my personal enjoyment came from the songs that Ryan sang. Over the top and a nod to classic Hollywood musical numbers, he prances around the screen joyfully, expressing such powerful and uplifting songs. Honestly, he was so extra but I loved it.

Another thing I enjoyed about this is the amount of Barbie references and easter eggs that were so fun to spot, as well as Margot's many many wardrobe changes. Pacing and editing wise I had no problems. The story flowed perfectly, nothing felt like they rushed through it or dragged it out too long. As I have said many times throughout this, it was absolutely hilarious. Both through the script and reactions. Everyone seemed to have fun during this film.

I do believe this will become Greta's best film as nothing will top this, and I'm not complaining. A wonderful film about many themes that will especially hit with all types of women. It pokes fun at the whole "Masculine Energy" type and the pet peeves that usually come along with it that most women will have experienced, or even the many struggles that they also experience. A Feminist film made by a woman, for women. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect film.


" It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. "

"To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn't just about horses, I lost interest"

"You have to answer for men's bad behaviour, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining."

"We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back and see how far they've come"

"And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault. I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us"

"mojo dojo casa house"
